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The Processing Pattern Pi Calculation Example


To run this example the Oracle Coherence Incubator must be built and installed locally. Instructions on how to achieve this are located here: Building the Oracle Coherence Incubator.

Source Code

The source code for this example is located in the coherence-processingpattern-examples module of the Oracle Coherence Incubator.


This example demonstrates calculating an approximation of Pi using the Leibnitz formula. The Leibnitz formula for calculating Pi is defined as:

PI * 4 = 1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + 1/9 - 1/11....

You need a fairly large number of iterations to get the error down as the error is 4/N.

There are two applications to run as part of this example. The following details the intent, instructions and the order in which to run these applictions.

The following instructions assume that $COHERENCE_INCUBATOR is the directory in which the Oracle Coherence Incubator source code has been downloaded, unpacked and built according to the prerequisites outlined above.

Step 1. Running the Grid Calculation Server

Execute the following shell commands to start the "Grid Calculation Server", that of which will execute submitted Callables and Tasks.

In a new Terminal / Shell Console for the "Grid Calculation Server"

  1. Change to the Processing Pattern Examples directory.

    cd $COHERENCE_INCUBATOR/coherence-processingpattern-examples/target

  2. Run the "Grid Calculation Server"

    java -jar coherence-processingpattern-examples-11.0.0.jar

Step 2. Running the Pi Calculation Application

Execute the following shell commands to start the "Pi Calculation Application". This application will submit tasks to the "Grid Calculation Server", that of which will appropriately execute the submitted tasks and return the results.

In a new Terminal / Shell Console for the "Pi Calculation Application"

  1. Change to the Processing Pattern Examples directory.

    cd $COHERENCE_INCUBATOR/coherence-processingpattern-examples/target

  2. Run the "Pi Calculation Application"

    java -jar coherence-processingpattern-examples-11.0.0.jar